This Cygnar army marks what I’d consider my first real commitment
to the miniature hobby, in that I was actively playing Warmachine games as I
worked my way through these models and painted them. That said, the span of
time it took them to reach this state was positively glacial. I recall
painting my starter box immediately after finishing the empire army three years
These were initial color scheme tests that I later went
back and repainted over to bring them in line with the rest of the force. I
also added highlights to the jacks.
My brother also bought an old Menoth starter so we could
play games together. I painted these fairly quickly and didn’t get too bothered
about the final result. Pretty basic stuff but I can’t bring myself to sell it
off and its worth next to nothing now anyways.
pNemo has a special place in my heart for being the first
miniature I felt I’d painted to a high standard and was very satisfied with.
Unfortunately he’s an extremely fragile warcaster on the table and not very
competitive, and I’d posit my frequent use of him (at least partially)
contributed to my huge losing streak with Warmachine. More generally I think I
only very recently started to grasp the mechanics of the game properly and be a
truly competitive player, but unfortunately this happened right after I’d come
to grips with Infinity, which I’d now consider my primary game.
This gunmage UA represents the first time I was really
happy with my highlighting, having just discovered glazing. (wet blending
remains a bit beyond me at the moment)
Siege was one of the first figures I painted after moving to England in fall of 2013, and came after a several-month break in painting. For all that I think he turned out alright and is a lot more fun on the table than pNemo.
Kraye was painted very recently and I think he effectively
represents my current ability to paint warmachine figures. He’s such a large
and detailed figured that it took me far longer than my usual “5 hours per
figure” rule but I’m relatively happy with the result.
There are still a small handful of pieces I need to get around
to painting. In particular there is a stormclad that I undercoated two years
ago which is still guilting me about not being painted yet! I also recently
built an eCaine blister which I’d had lying around for ages, and between
eCaine, Siege, and Kraye I’m hoping to have my three primary casters.