Sunday, 3 April 2016

Update VI: Converted Ork Big Mek and Lootas

I’m proud to showcase the next 250 points of my 40k Ork army for the narrative escalation campaign that I’m organizing. The campaign has been going really well and it’s been such a blast getting to play more games! The orks are doing surprisingly well, having only suffered one loss out of four official games so far.

Now that we’re bumping up to the 750 point level I decided to include a unit of Lootas to provide some more dakka for my army, as well as a Big Mek with a Kustom Force Field to help keep said lootas alive and have them move and shoot. These are painted using the same techniques and schemes as my initial 500 points, with a real emphasis on speed painting and no highlighting whatsoever outside of multiple ink washes.

I’m relatively pleased with how the converted Big Mek turned out, and the Kastellan parts certainly came out looking as beat up as I wanted. I really enjoyed incorporating the brass/copper metals on the Kastellan portions, and figuring out how to paint the green patina these materials accrue was a blast. I do think the patina is a little sloppy around the rim of his head, but otherwise it looks alright!

Close-up of the patina on the bronze.
The model does feel a little dark overall, as does the rest of the army, although I don’t think I’ll be bothered enough to go back and highlight stuff in the future. Also the darkness helps draw attention to their signature orange skin, which was super minimal on this particular model so I’m glad I managed to emphasize it so much.

I'll be sure to post more closeups of other units in the army, as well as a picture with everything all together. Thanks for looking!