This blog has not been updated in a long time and that is largely because my hobby time and energies have been almost non-existent since the fall of 2016. Things have been rather unpleasant for the past few months and I've been struggling with a severe a lack of motivation and self-confidence in my thesis work which has negatively impacted every other facet of my life. I seem to spend all of my time failing to do anything productive, work-related or otherwise.
In January of 2017 I sold off a lot of excess miniatures, painted or otherwise. Most significantly I have jettisoned all Warhammer Fantasy and Age of Sigmar figures, and cancelled my Fyreslayers project. This has reduced my collection down to three primary miniatures systems.
- Warhammer 40k - Ork army (2016)
- Infinity - Aleph army (2013-2014), Panoceania Army (2015)
- Warmachine - Cygnar (2012-2013)
It was liberating to reduce down to this level, and I am happy in the knowledge that I no longer need to paint large numbers of the same miniatures within GW systems (having already painted the bulk of my Ork troops). I probably could have sold off my Warmachine army as well since I never play, but I'm rather nostalgic for the game that pulled me back into the hobby and couldn't bring myself to do it.
Since early summer of 2016 I've been deeply involved in Fantasy Flight's Game of Thrones LCG, details of which can be found here. It's a wonderful system, and I find the LCG format very refreshing and far more competitive than Magic: The Gathering, which I've played casually since I was young. The pick-up-and-play nature of the AGOT game has obviated my inclination to pour hours into the hobby, and I've really enjoyed playing a competitive game that does not demand a huge amount of time off the table.
More recently I have finally experienced a rekindled enthusiasm for some miniature gaming, specifically a strong desire to play Infinity again. I've recently begun running a cyberpunk-themed RPG for a group of friends and it led me back to Infinity via the fluff. I recall really enjoying my experiences of it in my first two years in the UK and feeling that it had a very fast-paced and cinematic system. Furthermore the skirmish-level gameplay means that there would be fewer figures to paint and I could really take my time with them.
Of course, I felt compelled to start a new army rather than building off of my former forces because I am a glutton for punishment. So I've begun prepping a Japanese Sectorial force within the Yu-Jing faction. I'm looking forward to getting them on the table and trying to revitalize my local scene a bit.
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A quick progress picture. This represents about 2 weeks of slow and careful assembly for an hour a day. |
There has also been discussion within my local gaming group about starting up another 40k campaign with someone else heading it up. I'm hoping that between these two systems, and with some fresh figures on the painting block, that i'll start updating this blog more regularly.
Thanks for reading.
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