Friday, 24 April 2020

April 2020 - Imperial Fists, the Triumphant Return

We are back! The world may be gripped  in the throes of a pandemic, and the last proper post on this blog may have been in July 2018, but the hobby has come storming back into my life with a vengeance and I felt it was time for a glorious exhumation of this blog.

I want to start with the fruits of my hobby labour over the last eight months. In late-fall I began to feel the familiar itch to start a new project and went looking for a fun technique to employ for inspiration. I settled on a Primaris-only Imperial Fists army for a few reasons:

  1. Lends itself to a small-scale army with few figures
  2. A simple but excellent recipe for vibrant yellow (link here)
  3. The Primaris figures are lovely

The yellow recipe comes from Chapter Master Valrak, the internet's greatest Imperial Fist proponent. I substituted his use of Lamenter's Yellow as a glaze (now out of production) with a mix of vallejo yellow ink and vallejo glaze medium. Worked a charm!

I cut my teeth on an initial ten marines and a captain in gravis armor in the fall of last year. Once Covid-19 hit I had a lot more time on my hands so I threw myself back into the army and churned out a unit of aggressors, a repulsor executioner, and a librarian. Here's what we've got so far:

Group shot without librarian

Aggressors unit.

Repulsor Executioner with liberal oil wash for weathering.

Repulsor bum.

Primaris Librarian, probably my best painted figure yet.

The cloak is done with multiple shading glazes and vallejo weathering pigment for the dark staining.
The remaining minis on the painting block for this army include:
  • Primaris Lieutenant
  • Five man intercessor squad
  • Tor Garadon
Once these are done i'll have a 1000 point battleline force to play around with. Tor Garadon is going to replace the gravis captain, whose paintjob I don't love. I'll make a new post for the army in all it's glory once it's complete.

Many many thanks to any returning readers, and I look forward to once again contributing to this blog. I hope you are keeping well and staying safe!