Wednesday 29 March 2017

Infinity Picture Updates!

Howdy friends,

Here's a few pictures of my ongoing re-entry into Infinity! It shows some progress on my Japanese army forces as well as the game boards I've played on recently. Thanks for looking!

These were the test models for the two main colors in my paint scheme. Learnt a few useful things and relatively pleased with the overall effect! Also happy to see my hand-blends on the cloth getting so consistent now.
I use an airbrush to get strong shading and higlights on the red. This ninja is a good example of the sort of depth I'm aiming for.

With some of the JSA figures the clear armor/cloth division led me to experiment with sectioning off portions of the model for airbrushing. It worked quite well and I was pleased with the result. Here is the initial shadows/highlights on the cloth.
And here is the final result with both colors shaded/higlighted with the airbush. There's a bit of overspill but it was easily fixed and I know how to handle the masking better next time!

This figure (a doctor) has seen me finalize some of the shading/highlights on the cloth, glaze the armor, and generally have things be a bit closer to finishing.
Rear-view. I'm not sure about the glaze on the armor, i'm worried i'm losing some of the contrast I got with the airbrush. I might try changing the glaze paint or just thinning it down even further.
Two boards we set up at the local center.
A space station with some lovely artificial foliage.

My Aleph army getting absolutely destroyed by a Yu Jing force. However he put me into retreat before either of us completed any objects so the game ended up being a tie. That's Infinity baby!

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